How to get URL value in a NextJS 14 server component

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asked 6 months ago


1 Answers



I need to get a value from the URL to fetch data using Nextjs 14 server components.

For example

  • (production)
  • localhost:3000?locale=es (local development)

I want to get the locale from each of these urls to query data from a headless CMS.

My original idea was to create a custom provider which got the locale from the url, save it to state to be accessed at a component level. I realised whilst having the data in state ready to use, I can't access it in a server component! I don't want to use a client component here to fetch data.

I've tried wrapping the server component in a client component to pass locale as a prop, but that didn't work due to using /app folder.

I've also tried setting a cookie and headers using middleware. This approach kind of worked, but was very temperamental.

What would be the best way to achieve this?

1 Answers

in a Next.js server component, you can get route parameters from params.


This is the route:


url would be


Page example:

interface Params {
  locale: string

async function MyPage({ params }: { params: Params }) {
  const { locale } = params

  return (
<h1>My page</h1>

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